If Mother Armenia could speak

If Mother Armenia could speak, today I would hear her say

What have you done
To my children
A hundred years ago?
A hundred and now one more
I can hear their voices screaming.
These years have gone, but their pain has not
It won’t go until you have spoken.
Be brave, sister
We have stood side by side so long
Be brave and admit your wrong.
We feed our children the same grains
We give them mountains and pastures green
Sister, what have you done
And why won’t you speak of it?
We used to be all just one
And so it could be again
But not until we have heard
These voices that still remain.
Can you hear them?
In the wind that reaches you East
Can you hear their unholy graves
Tombstones without a name?
What you have suffered, my children
A century cannot erase...
Speak, O Sister, I beg!

Speak so that they can rest!


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